Top 10 Arab countries earn $57 billion in tourism

29 August 2016

Annual report of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) reveals total earnings for top Arab countries in 2015.

The top 10 Arab countries on the UNTWO annual report represent 3.8 % of the total international tourism revenue of US $1.5 trillion during 2015.

The top Arab countries earned nearly $57.586 billion in international tourism revenue during 2015.

UAE topped the list during 2015 with $16.038 billion, which is 27.8% of the total Arab countries’ tourism revenue.

Saudi Arabia was second with $10.130 billion, Lebanon third with $6.857 billion, Egypt fourth with $6.065 billion and Morocco fifth with $6.003 billion.

Qatar came in sixth place with $5.035 billion, Jordan seventh with $4.065 billion, Oman eighth with $1.540 billion, Tunisia ninth with $1.354 billion and Kuwait tenth with $499 million.

The annual report said at the global level, the overall top 10 countries earned $655.9 billion in 2015, which is 43.73% of the total global revenues.
