Enigma Joins EER: The First Acquisition Under New Ownership

23 May 2022

After their recent progression to co-owners of EER, Marie O’Neill and Aideen Hopkins promised big things for the company, and it hasn’t taken them long to deliver.  Only a few short months since they took over as owners, they are ready to announce their first acquisition.  As of 13th May 2022 Enigma Relocation, an independent relocation company based in Dubai, began the transition to become part of the EER brand.  This expansion not only represents the strength and determination of both Marie and Aideen, but also the hard work of the entire team that has facilitated this potential for growth.  It is also reflective of the esteem in which the EER owners hold Enigma and its owner Debra Notman, and how much value they see in incorporating a company with such a strong background in performance and industry expertise.

Who is Enigma?

The synergy of mission and ethos between Enigma and EER was evident from very early on, making this transition to one entity an incredible natural progression.  Like EER, Enigma was established in 2005 and has steadily built one of the industry’s most respected reputations for service and excellence.  As Debra herself was an expatriate, she knew how important it was for individuals and companies to have expert support for employee relocation to be successful.  Enigma’s motto of ‘everything we do is personal’ perfectly sums up the way they work and demonstrates their dedication to each of their clients, during every part of their journey.  Their track record in significantly reducing the stresses associated with global mobility and assignee acclimatization has seen them become one of the first choices for large corporate clients from around the world, including two of the top RMCs and several Fortune 500 international companies.  That is just part of why they are also the proud recipients of the Cartus “Commitment to Excellence” Platinum Award.

Continuity of Quality

When the owners of EER and Enigma began the negotiations for the acquisition, it was immediately evident that one of their most important priorities was to their clients.  Given their shared pledge of excellence in terms of client servicing, they needed to ensure that the absorption would not impact the quality of care Enigma clients had come to expect.  That is one of the reasons why Enigma CEO Debra will be staying on for twelve months to handle the transition and operational merger.  “I don’t think I could have considered parting with Enigma for any brand other than EER.  Having known the company and both Marie and Aideen for many years, I know that all of my clients will be in safe hands and that they will offer them the same expert support they have done for their own clients for many years.  Not only do we share such similar values, their vision for the future is an exciting one that will undoubtedly leave a lasting legacy.  I am also grateful for the opportunity to assist them in overseeing the merger of Enigma into EER in order to assure my clients that they will be looked after and that this development will have a positive impact for them moving forward.”

Expansive Excellence

EER co-founders Marie O’Neill and Aideen Hopkins were quick to confirm Debra’s assertions of continued client quality.  “Enigma has a long-held heritage of going above and beyond for their clients” shared Marie “a sentiment we intend to ensure they continue as part of the EER family.  It was their reputation for such impressive client relationship management that first attracted us to Enigma and has been a huge motivation behind our efforts to acquire the company.”  The Managing Director then added, “we are also extremely delighted that Debra has agreed to remain on the team for another year.  Having her wisdom and insights during this transition period will not only be good for Enigma clients, it will be an invaluable resource for all of us here at EER.”   Operations Director Aideen followed up by alluding to this acquisition as only the beginning, “when we took over as co-owners of EER we knew we had ambitious goals that we wanted to pursue and that EER as an institution was more than capable of rising to the challenge.  Our acquisition of Enigma is a profound moment for the entire team and the first step in our vision for the future of EER.”

The entire team at EER and Enigma are on hand to answer any queries you might have about the upcoming changes.  If you would like to speak to someone, you can contact Marie O’Neill at marie.oneill@eerme.com or Aideen Hopkins at aideen.hopkins@eerme.com  or Debra Notman at debra@enigmarelocation.com .