EER: A New Look for the Brand you Trust
18 October 2022

As of 12pm on Thursday 13th October 2022, EER will have officially launched its brand new look. Allow us to introduce you to the new era for EER…..

Beginning with a new logo, the corporate branding of EER is now completely refreshed and revitalized. Spearheaded by the co-owners, Marie O’Neill and Aideen Hopkins, this rebranding is showcased across the website and all marketing and communications collateral. This is an exciting milestone for EER and the perfect way to honour the first year of new ownership and the company’s innovative vision for the future. The entire team is thrilled to share this new step with our past, current and future clients, partners and stakeholders who have contributed in their own way to who EER is as a company and will continue to motivate the leadership and staff into creating even more avenues through which EER can service their needs.

Who We Are

The new look EER is ultimately about elevating our corporate branding to reflect the calibre of what we offer and the quality of our service. The level of performance our clients are used to will not change, this new look just more accurately represents who we are as a company and our capabilities. From today, the visual associated with EER is more in line with our current and future vision, providing a glimpse into our brand story and the direction in which we intend to grow. It pays homage to the legacy heritage we have cultivated over the past 18 years and also showcases our expanding potential as the region’s leading corporate services, immigration and relocation company. To help outline even more clearly who we are, what we are about and what we offer to clients, both current and future, we have also created a video that explains today’s EER and where we are headed….

Looking Forward

The revamped EER corporate brand is not only an apt way to mark the change in leadership and a dynamic first 12 months of guardianship, it is a testament to the vision of both Aideen and Marie. The new look EER is their way of forging a new era for all the world to see, signifying their intentions to ensure that EER more than meets its potential. Since both of these pioneering women are used to exceeding expectations, it is only natural that they feel the same way about EER. In the past year, we have already seen exciting changes take place, from acquisitions to services, all of which build on the trusted reputation of EER in terms of performance and also herald the ‘more’ that is yet to come. And what is that ‘more’ you ask? We tried to get some more details out of the illustrious owners asking them both what the future had in store for EER. As Marie put it, “there is so much more we want for EER, our team and our clients. With all the changes that have taken place in the world in the past few years, we have seen far more areas in which EER can make a difference and our priority will be to ensure that we have the talent and resources to provide our clients with more than ever before.” When asked about potential expansion plans for EER, Aideen added wryly “all we can share at this stage is to keep your eyes peeled. We know how much our team has to offer and that by forging new partnerships, we can push beyond the boundaries in a way that will benefit all of our stakeholders, so we feel we have a responsibility to utilise our knowledge and network to help EER be the best that it can be moving forward.” This sounds like the future of EER could be exciting to watch, especially under the stewardship of these two ambitious and innovative professionals. We had best stay tuned…..

EER team at rebranding launch