Dubai Relocation: New Motivations, New Lifestyle
23 September 2022

Dubai Relocation: New Motivations, New Lifestyle

The evolution of Dubai relocation has been quite the journey.  For decades now this relatively cosy corner of the desert has been seen as a place of substance and importance, as its founding leaders knew it would be.  But it wasn’t always seen as top-of-the-list location for international expats to volunteer to spend some time.  In fact, not so very long-ago incoming residents from international destinations were offered a hardship allowance as a way of compensating for the inconvenience of being so far from home and in a place that might not be as well equipped as they were used to.  Surrounded now by so many ground-breaking skyscrapers and Michelin-starred fine dining restaurants, that sentiment seems hard to imagine.  Even once the hardship accommodation was left to the wayside, the predominant motivation for relocating to Dubai tended to surround the generous tax benefits, unique business opportunities and the enviable climate, all of which was felt to significantly compensate for any loss of ‘culture’ or home sickness that might be experienced.  Today, it is a different story altogether.  Not only does Dubai still offer a unique range of perks (including its alluring tax structure), but it has created an environment of inclusivity, culture, creativity, innovation and excitement that attracts people from all walks of life, from all over the world.  Individuals and their families want to come here because of the total lifestyle package it promises.  Here they can experience untapped potential, stable security, steady economic growth, new horizons and much more, often with many of the comforts of home right on their doorstep.  We have definitely entered a new chapter in the story of Dubai relocation.



Catering to UHNWIs

One of the most influential and dominant sectors of relocating demand to Dubai, and the UAE, is coming from international UHNWI (ultra-high net worth individuals).  This prestigious grouping is comprised of celebrities, sporting legends, business leaders, socialites, private families, royalty and politicians amongst others.  Many of them share very similar motivations for seeking out the type of lifestyle on offer in Dubai and their collective movement into the UAE is already having lasting impacts on the landscape of the nation, its future and its economic growth.  Recognising the unique opportunity that awaits in this centrally located Gulf nation is a particular skill amongst the world’s elite, especially when it comes to sourcing security, privacy, exclusivity and the trappings of a VIP lifestyle.  Given the rise in geo-political upheaval and uncertainty, it is unsurprising that the savvy move is seen to be one where a business, fortune, assets and family can be relocated, with relative ease, and the capacity for big rewards.  Many of these UHNWI come with substantial additional assets be that a company, employees, funds, resources and, of course, families of various sizes.  Since Dubai now offers even more visa, residency, investment and business relocation options than ever before, the timing of a move couldn’t be better.  Dubai also provides five-star assistance and resources for this discerning audience.  From their initial global mobility and transportation needs, to internationally renowned private law firms, banking experts to luxury real estate brokers, every aspect of their Dubai relocation plan can be curated to the highest quality.

Dubai Relocation Realities

If you, or one of your clients, has made enquiries about Dubai relocation and how it might work, then there are some key aspects that could be helpful to start with.   Any new potential resident, whether they are interested in individual relocation, business relocation, employee relocation or dependant relocation, will need to carefully select the pathway that is most relevant and the most effective for them.  This involves examining the extensive list of visa options from Investor Visa to Golden Visa and beyond, ensuring that all required immigration documentation is procured and meets the acceptable standards and identifying the key administrative and societal elements needed to kick start a successful Dubai lifestyle.   If they are moving a business or employees, compliance with government and legal regulations will be crucial.  If they are moving with families and dependants, sponsorship options and schooling will be front and centre.  At EER, our expert relocation, immigration and corporate services divisions can help with everything from initial enquiry to settling in.

If you would like to speak to one of our relocation, immigration or corporate services consultants, you can get in touch today on +971 (0)4 421 1819 or and they can arrange a consultation call to assess your requirements.