Are you managing your mental health properly?
10 August 2022

Are you managing your mental health properly?

It might sound like a simple question, but for many of us it is rather essential.  First and foremost for those who are actively aware of their own mental health challenges, but also for those who might be more dismissive of ‘down days’ and ‘exhaustive emotions’ as part of everyday life.  Not managing our mental health effectively, even for small bouts of anxiety or upset, can impact huge parts of our live and how we interact with those around us.  For managers and company owners, it is also vitally important that we ensure our team is managing their mental health and that we are doing everything we can to assist them and create the right environment.

Workplace Mental Health

There is no doubt that Covid-19 exacerbated mental health issues, especially in the workplace, but it also forced many organisations and individuals to wake up to the realities of those struggling with mental health and in far greater numbers than previous thought.  In 2022, as part of the aftermath of the pandemic, the WHO reported a 25% increase in the spread of anxiety and depression.  This type of revelation won’t be a huge surprise to some.  Increased awareness of mental health issues isn’t about expanded diagnosis, it helps us all have a greater recognition of our cognitive and emotional balance and how to access the tools to improve our individual harmony and therefore they way we connect at home, in life and at work.   So why are good mental health practices so important, especially in the workplace?  And why should employers sit up and take note of their role in promoting strong mental health well-being?  Well, according to the CDC, “poor mental health and stress can negatively affect employee”:

  • Job performance and productivity
  • Engagement with one’s work
  • Communication with co-workers
  • Physical capability and daily functioning

Tips to Manage Your Mental Health

There are a series of things that individuals can do to manage their mental health, that can also be used by partners and colleagues to support those who may be struggling.   Here are some ideas:

  • Check in with yourself. Assess your mental health on a regular basis, if not daily.  Ask yourself how you are feeling, what you might be finding difficult and why thoughts might be leaning in one direction. Don’t be afraid to recognise where problems are and when you might be having a bad day or period.
  • Rely on mindfulness. This is a great way to stay as centred as possible and there is no right or wrong way to do it.  You can choose the method that works for you, be that yoga or meditation, therapy or breathing.  There are dozens of options that are designed to work with every personality and hundreds of free online resources to help you get started.
  • Yes, that is a simple but hugely effective element to good mental health.  Getting enough sleep can significantly impact your overall health, both mental and physical, so it is crucial that you try and carve out as much time as you can to recharge your batteries.
  • Eat well. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t treat yourself, far from it.  But making sure to rely on healthy nutritious choices as much as possible will also impact how you feel in your body and your mind.
  • Move more. Exercise is obviously a fantastic tool for managing your physical and mental health.  It doesn’t have to be intensive or every day, but by finding some activity that you like and getting out and moving as much as possible will make a difference.

Mental Health at EER

At EER, we know how vital our employees are as individuals and as a team.  We have long pursued a policy of support and engagement with everyone who works at EER, opting to maximise our responsibilities as employers.  The more we are able to assist, nurture and care for our team, the better off they will be overall and, in turn, the better equipped they will be to perform their duties.  That means that our actions to promote employee well-being aren’t just good for individuals, they are good for our clients and ultimately, beneficial for the company as a whole.  The happier our team is, the more likely they are to stay, which facilitates a more engaged and knowledgeable workplace with superior functionality that transcends to our overall performance year on year.  Some of the elements that we have specifically implemented at EER to help foster improved employee health and wellness include:

  • ‘Walk and Talks’ with senior leaders to promote open communication and create a safe space for team members to share concerns or issues
  • Hosting a series of health-based, inclusive office competitions with fun objectives and great prizes to encourage physical activities, team bonding and more
  • Providing comprehensive in-house training to ensure employees feel comfortable with their role and are given the opportunity to grow and develop as valued team members
  • Ensuring our leadership and managers provide a framework that reinforces healthy behaviours and encourages a culture of inclusivity and support
  • Schedule regular check-ins with employees and reviews of companies procedures to ensure strategies are being upheld correctly and effectively

Whether you are an individual or a manager, the importance of good mental health in the workplace is impossible to overstate.  The more we can do together to foster productivity and happiness the better off for all.