A New Beginning: Saudi Arabia Relocation Services

18 April 2023

EER Middle East Now Provides A Full Range Of Services Associated With Saudi Arabia Relocation


With two such visionary leaders at the helm, expansion was always going to be a big part of EER’s strategy.  Since the start of their ownership tenure, the company has grown in so many ways, including an exciting acquisition, and now their ambitious mission has reached into the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.  From 1st May 2023, EER will officially open its office, offering Saudi Arabia relocation services to a range of existing and new clients.  Co-owners Marie O’Neill and Aideen Hopkins are extremely proud to be announcing this development and they are very excited about what this means for their clients.  Managing Director Marie O’Neill had this to say, “as the region’s leading relocation, immigration and corporate services provider, Saudi Arabia was a key next step for us.  With our work across the UAE, Oman, Kuwait, Bahrain and Qatar, it was important for us to be able to offer the same quality and reliability to clients that want expert assistance in Saudi Arabia.”

A Dynamic Location

There is no doubt that the unique marketplace offered by Saudi Arabia has seen a huge uptake in global recognition in recent times.  As well as its favourable geostrategic position, the Kingdom’s large budget surplus, expanding tourism sector and robust demographics, are seeing it jump to the top of the list for foreign investors looking for diversified industries and long-term growth.  These attributes were recently noted by Dr Alexis Crow, PwC’s Global Head of Geopolitical Investment Practice alongside its rapid social changes, five-year job creation high and a 62% rise in female labour force participation.   Given how valuable these elements are, it is not surprising that so many western investors and businesses are looking for ways to enter, and expand, within Saudi Arabia.  At EER, we have long been the go-to partner for relocation services across the Middle East and so it was important for us to continue our own expansion in services to include KSA.  Although Saudi Arabia relocation is only the starting point, this will allow us to provide current and new clients with the support and knowledge they need to make the most of this limitless destination.

KSA Relocation with EER

From 1st May 2023, EER will be able to offer clients a full range of services associated with Saudi Arabia relocation, including city orientation, home finding, school search and settling in services.  Our full-time staff and consultants will be available from our main office in Riyadh to provide on-the-ground expertise and up-to-date advice to companies, individuals and assignees on how best to navigate this vibrant location and ensure they have the right talent to achieve their goals.  But this is clearly just the beginning as our Operations Director Aideen Hopkins pointed out, “We are so excited to be finally opening up our Saudi Arabia office and having the capacity to meet the needs of our clients looking to capitalise on the opportunities in KSA.  In the coming months we will be expanding our resources even further to include immigration and corporate services.  We recognise the potential of Saudi for businesses of all types and sizes, which is why we want to ensure that EER continues to be there to help them achieve their strategic goals.”  Having a local presence will make all the difference for clients looking to relocate talent and expand their teams.  Our Saudi Arabia team will be able to provide round-the-clock support that is tailored to the individual needs of our clients and their assignees, as well as invaluable guidance on what to expect in a very unique, and constantly evolving, environment.


If you would like to find out more about EER’s launch in KSA or any of our Saudi Arabia relocation services, please get in touch on +971 (0)4 421 1819 or info@eerme.com.