An EER Team Update: Welcomes & Goodbyes

21 July 2022

When we announced the new ownership of EER in December 2021, our new co-captains Marie O’Neill and Aideen Hopkins promised big things were on the horizon.  Little did we know how much that would come to be true.  In just over half a year, their visionary leadership has seen a wide variety of updates and opportunities, team restructuring, significant client growth and even the exciting acquisition of Enigma Relocation.  Which is why we thought it was a good time to share a brief update on what has been going on, share a welcome, bid a fond adieu and let you know what you can expect as a valued client moving forward.

A Heartfelt Farewell

As is to be expected with change, not all of it is joyful and exciting.  One of the latest evolutions in the EER family will be the departure of our revered relocation and immigration expert Shirley Doran.  It is hard to put into words how much we will all miss her at EER and to accurately measure her influence, not only on our organisation, but the industry as a whole.  Throughout her amazing career Shirley has demonstrated the highest levels of professionalism and the power of superb customer service.  A long-term expatriate herself, she has always had an innate understanding of what can significantly improve the relocation experience for both individuals and companies.  Known far and wide in the industry, her legacy of innovative thinking and solutions-led performance will be sorely missed.  When we announced her retirement plans at the recent EuRA event in Seville, it was more than evident how much of a lasting impact her work has had throughout Europe, the Middle East and beyond.  Having spent so much of the previous two decades assisting others with settling into exciting new locations, we hope she will have the chance to visit plenty herself as a retiree in amongst her passion for cooking, reading, entertaining and family.  We wish Shirley all the very best and want to let her know that she will always be part of the EER family.

A Warm Welcome

For those of you keeping up with the EER team news, you will have no doubt read about the recent acquisition of Enigma Relocation into the group.  One of the most exciting aspects to this union is that Enigma Owner Debra Notman will be taking over as Head of Relocation at EER.  Her unprecedented level of experience and industry insight will be invaluable when it comes to helping Enigma clients transition and working with new and existing EER clients to achieve their crucial relocation objectives.  Since Debra built a company that shares the EER ethos of personal service and excellent standards, we know how much she will bring to the group and to our future growth.  Both Marie and Aideen are confident that Debra will not only be able to handle the rapid growth that EER and the industry is experiencing, but that she will be a steady navigator of our next steps and help the team to continue to exceed client expectations at every step.

A Helping Hand

Debra will of course be assisted by the transferring Enigma team and by the existing experts on the EER team which include our two dedicated Client Account Managers, Andrea Cikojevic and Lisa Van Der Watt.  Both Andrea and Lisa will be there to ensure all of our clients remain confident of being in the safest of hands moving forward.  Their overall objective is to fully understand the individual requirements of each of our clients and most accurately advise them on the best way forward and provide comprehensive assistance in order to achieve their goals, be they short-term or long-term.  Having both established proven reputations for service and professionalism in their years at EER, Andrea and Lisa are the ideal choice for clients who want a reliable, trustworthy and effective resource who is always on hand to help and get the job done.

If you have any questions about the changes at EER or would like to speak to someone on the EER team about your relocation, immigration or corporate services needs, please get in touch on  or +971 (0)4 421 819