New Ownership Announcement

16 December 2021

EER couldn’t be more honoured to share a particularly exciting piece of news with you, a vital part of our treasured network. As of 15.12.21 EER will now be co-owned by Marie O’Neill and Aideen Hopkins. Currently serving as our Managing Director and Operations Director respectively these two amazing women have been a huge part of EER’s growth and development over the last decade. Given their commitment and passion, it seems only fitting that their leadership influence now expands to their new role as co-owners of the company. Under their transformational guidance, the entire EER team expects to continue improving and out-performing the competition for many years to come.

Leaders to Owners
As long-term leaders at EER, Marie and Aideen are especially keen to emphasis that the change of ownership will not negatively impact the excellent service clients have come to expect. They are both committed to maintaining the quality clients have come to expect and want to underline that this new frontier will also herald new exciting expansions in service and dynamic acquisitions. Marie was quick to explain, “we have been at EER almost since its inception, we have been part of its growth and development. For us, taking over as owners is an extension of our investment in its future and an opportunity for us to really shape an agenda that is centred on building the best possible company.” They are also aware that being co-owners gives them a unique advantage, as Aideen puts it, “we have worked together for so long now that we know how well we complement each other in a business sphere. With two of us working together as owners, we can better cover all the necessary elements to achieving our strategic objectives. Our tried and tested partnership is the perfect combination needed to drive EER into the future.”

The initial reaction to the announcement has seen wonderful endorsements flow in from partners, team members and clients. Simon Scott, Vice President at Altair Global, shared his excitement at the announcement, “Marie and Aideen have steered EER through the ups and downs of the last few years with thoughtful precision and insightful action, always ensuring that, as clients, we never experienced a dip in performance. When the owners of the company are so committed to the welfare of their clients and their employees, everyone benefits. I know that EER will be in safe hands.” Kathy Momberger, VP, Global Supplier Development at Graebel Relocation Services Worldwide added, “We were so excited to hear the news, and lucky enough to have experienced the amazing calibre of service and effort from EER. I know that much of their company culture comes down to the great work of Marie and Aideen. I am so excited to see what they have in store for the company in 2022 and beyond.” Outgoing owner Michael Burke has even shared his seal of approval, “better than anyone I know just how much Aideen and Marie are capable of and I know they are the right people to take over EER. It has been a privilege to work with them over the last decade and I will be looking forward to celebrating their successes in the future.”

EER is extremely pleased to be entering a new phase with such visionary owners at the helm. Marie and Aideen look forward to connecting with all of our clients over the next few months and will continue to share regular updates about their plans. We can’t wait to see what they have in store, so make sure you stay tuned……