Teaching ‘cultural tolerance’ essential in modern international education, says Tony Blair

17 March 2016

Tony Blair, along with business leaders, global education commentators and government representatives gathered in Dubai this week to discuss the most pressing issues in global education.

Mr Blair told the assembled group that he believes educating young people on citizenship values is fundamental to building a future of tolerance and global peace.rmarriage-2016-8757-8791-teaching-cultural-tolerance-is-essential-in-modern-international-education-says-tony-blair_8040_t12

“There is real anxiety among people on how the world is changing,” said Mr Blair. “Your education system does express what you stand for as a society. If you want to educate young people for the modern world, it is essential that they are also educated to a culturally tolerant view of the world. This works across the boundaries of faith and culture.”

Cultural tolerance in schools

In Relocate Global’s recently published Guide to International Education and Schools, David Porritt, headteacher of the British School in the Netherlands Junior School Leidschenveen campus, in The Hague, argues that students at international schools provide a model for cultural tolerance in today’s globally mobile society. “International schools are unique environments creating important reflections of the wider world in which we live,” he says.
